“With one tractor here, you change the life of the village.”
Those exact words from the mayor, in an Armenian village, sparked the project of 1 Tractor – 1 Village, which aims to provide sustainable support to local farmers who are incapable of utilizing the resources of their lands due to the lack of required machinery. These tractors have enabled farmers to plough acres of land that have never been used before.
This project operates in the Lori region and so far, we have provided four tractors to the following villages:
1. Arevashogh – Donated by Rotary
2. Dsoragyugh– Donated by Jean et Albert Boghossian
3. Bazoum – Donated by Ara Arslanian
4. Metsavan– Donated anonymously
This initiative continues to transform lives and empower local farmers.
Related Videos:
1) https://youtu.be/HVc154ivyDs
2) https://youtube.com/shorts/rbZyDv9d720
3) https://youtu.be/mqnpk1HJuFg
4) https://youtube.com/shorts/h2qkjU9tkcs
5) https://youtu.be/QRDTdxInqbA
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